Whether one can survive depends on if he does a few right things and avoid doing one or more wrong things.
A. Preventive Measures
The first strategy is to avoid contact or exposure to the virus. The main way of spreading is assumed to be similar to SARS. The virus is believed to spread is by close person-to-person contact. The most obvious mean of transmission is respiratory droplets (droplet spread) produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Droplet spread can happen when droplets from the cough or sneeze of an infected person are propelled a short distance (generally believe that 3 feet) through the air and deposited on the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, or eyes of persons who are nearby. Some examples of close contact include kissing or hugging, sharing utensils, talking to someone in close distances, and touching someone directly. The virus also can spread when a person touches a surface or object contaminated with infectious droplets and then touches his or her mouth, nose, or eye(s). In addition, it is possible that the virus might spread more broadly through the air or by other known ways.
The first strategy is avoid being around people and animals that have been infected. Well known preventive measures include frequent hand-washing, disinfection of contaminated clothes, utensils, and furniture, wearing a surgical mask in public, avoiding contact with bodily fluids, washing personal items such as eating utensils, dishes, bedding, etc. in hot, soapy water, staying at home if can, and isolating oneself as much as possible to minimize the chances of getting the virus.
To effectively reduce chances of infection, one must know two important things. Several reports revealed that people can carry this virus without any symptoms but still transmit the virus to their family members. According to the CDC, the incubation time from exposure to when symptoms first start showing up is somewhere between two and 14 days. It is difficult to determine who carries the virus. To avoid infection by unidentified persons, a safest call is avoiding attending events that have close personal contact. In dealing with private activities, one should try to know whether people might come from regions this virus has been reported. However, virus exposure histories cannot be established reliably and a proper presumption is that others carry the virus until more predictable treatment is available.
The survival time of the virus outside the body is unknown. Many studies show that its cousin viruses, SARS and MERS, only live for few hours on the surface of an object. A short survival time can help end an epidermic more easily because people can avoid contacting, using and contaminated objects, places and environments. When the survival time is long, new source of virus is added to a surface or object before existing viruses loses activity. Such a surface or object will continue spreading the virus. The survival time of conovavrious may depend on temperature and relative humanity. Based related virus, relative humidity at low 20% and higher 80% have a greater protective effect than at moderate RH of 50%. At 4°C, infectious virus may persist for as long as 28 days. Virus deactivation rates are generally believed to be exponentially related to temperature. This explains why viruses can survive in the winter but cannot maintain an active epidermic in the summer. When temperature reaches 40 C, the virus will quickly lose activity. Another point is that a minimum concentration or the number of virus molecules is necessary to cause infection. If one washes off 95% virus off hands, the remaining ones may lose practical ability to infect.
The long survival time and long incubation time make public places perpetual infectious sources. If one or more infected persons contact a surface or object on each one or two days, this surface will carry infectious virus forever. Those two properties determine what measures are taken and how long they must avoid. When contact cannot be avoided, the only things one can do are frequent washing hands, using wiping alcohol (when outside, things like salts, acids, and basic solutions may help). Avoid using hands to contact eyes, mouth, noses and any area with soft tissues. The bottom line is avoiding unnecessary exposure. As a general rule, high temperature favors breaking up infection chains.
B. Fight The Infection For Survival
For those who are infected, the strategy is to survive and reduce damages to vital organs particularly the lungs.
We predict that fights against the virus in infected persons are easier than those against the SARS virus. The longer incubation time implies that the virus spreads in the body more slowly as far as its damaging impacts are concerned. This fact implies that patients have more time to adjust themselves in the fight against the virus. However, the trouble is that it is difficult to put an end to this outbreak.
This is an acute infection and must be addressed accordingly. The virus can cause damages to infested cells and eventually kill them. When the lungs are infected, the virus will replicate in the cells. The virus then triggers immune cells to attack and kill the virus. When the lungs are infested by the virus, the lung cell functions will be diminished. However, part of the damages are caused by the immune system that tries to kill the virus. When the viruses have severely damaged cells, the virus as well as the immune system may kill the cells. The death of lung cells decrease lung functions. When a large number of lung cells are killed, the voids will be filled with new cells. If this repairing process takes place slowly, the newly filled cells may healthy. However, if the death and repairing processes are very fast, the filled new cells may contain high amount of fibers. The new tissues will contain scar tissues with reduced or no lung functions. When the lung capacity reaches below the threshold of death, the patient dies unless the patient gets life-sustaining support.
Considering this unique disease dynamic, we propose two different strategies. In the early phrase of infection, the strategy is to stop the virus as quickly as possible. This can help because the immune system responds too slowly. It is known that antibodies bind to viruses, and thus mark them as destruction targets so that white blood cells can engulf and destroy them. Each antibody producing cell could produce almost two thousand antibody molecules per second, it still takes 4-7 days to get detectable amount of antibody (IgG) in blood. What is vitally important is the speed to produce a large number of antibodies in the body in the EARLY stage.
If the immune system works well, the infected person most probably will not feel obvious symptoms. What he feels is like a flu for a few hours or just a day or so. However, if the immune system fails to stop the virus in the early stage, the viruses invade a large number of lung cells, replicate there, and kill lung cells. In this stage, anti-virus drugs may be used, but real benefits are unknown. After a virus enters a lung cell, it may stay in a dormant phase and then start replicating in a reproductive phase. This time window is vitally important relative to the time window for the immune system to boost up its response. Now, a wise strategy is altering the body’s physiological condition so that the body slows down the transition from the dormant phase to the reproductive phase (based on the bacterial model). Virus infected cells may still have partial or full functions and killing them is not a good strategy. Based on studies on other virus, we can reasonably infer that conditions that stimulated cell growth also promote virus replication, but slow growth favors the dormant stage. Based on indirect research evidence, elevated salinity and aeration influences the switch from the dormant phase to the active phase. Indirect studies imply that moderate limited nutrition may prevent the virus from bursting in the body. One rational strategy is to slow down the transition by using antioxidant such as glutathione that can remove free radical intermediates. Another approach could be to cause the host to produce excessive CI repressor that inhibits reproduction.
Medicine has done very little to understand how to manipulate a large number of life parameters that can alter outcomes. The final resolution of the disease cannot be achieved by anything other than the immune system. However, it takes some time for the immune system to generate enough antibodies. Whatever the patient needs is really to buy time. All of those measures from drugs, nutrients, and environmental factors may be used like applying brake to stop the virus from bursting replication. Nutrition restriction must be reasonable because nutrients are also required by the immune system and all organ’s normal functions. What is important is to slow down the virus bursting speed and give the immune system to catch up, but should not starve vital organs. Both absolute levels and restriction duration must be reasonable. Patents must explore those variables on their own.
Some reports reveal that after the virus has caused symptoms, the patients may die within one or a few days. This fact implies what might happen is that the immune system fails to generate enough antibodies to stop the virus in the early phrase, and the virus infects too many lung cells by too many virus units. As a result, the virus causes too much damages to the lungs or have destroyed the lungs before the immune system scales up its response. It is also possible that the immune system might have generated too many antibodies that cause excessive inflammation-like reactions. In either ways, the lungs contain too many dead cells, too many virus debris together with cells/virus wastes, which could not be promptly removed. The accumulated wastes then cause the lung tissues to swell and impair the blood flow in the tissue. The serious impaired blood micro-circulation causes lung tissues to die. Moreover, the lung health is on vicious degrading cycles: after the lungs have been compromised by the virus infection, the diminished oxygen delivery is expected to weaken both heart function and renal function, and thus further weaken the blood circulation in the sick lung tissues and the renal capacity to remove metabolic wastes from the whole body. Both effects will further reduce the lung capacity to remove virus debris, cell debris, and metabolic by-products. This vicious cycles may quickly lead to lung tissue death. In the end, the lungs become white matters.
Based on reported stories, we suggest that a sound strategy is not same as what the medicine might suggest based on controlled trials. We note that death happens when a vital organ function is insufficient to maintain life for a short time. Any measure that can quickly kill an overwhelming number of infested cells may be bad. We have seen from many images attached to case reports that a large number of lung cells die and replaced by white matter. While it is not clear whether lung cells are killed by the virus, prescription drugs, or the immune system, we predict that a large scale of cell destruction is bad for several reasons. First, if a large number of lung cells die in a short time, the dead lung cells are replaced by new cells rapidly. A fast repairing process will most likely result in production of scar tissues. Any attempt to use drugs that can cause rapid cell destruction may lead to bad final results. A much strong argument is that rapid large scale lung cells deaths must be a cause of death. We found that humans always die from temporarily depressed usable organ capacity. If a drug can cause infested lung cells to die rapidly, the lungs will lose functions. This will push the lung usable capacity belong the threshold of death. Even if death does not take place, the fast repairing process will generate more scar-like tissues which cannot be cured. Any measure that can aggregate inflammation may speed up death. While the immune system’s direct attack to the virus is welcome, if the immune system rapidly attacks on infested cells on an excessively large scale, it causes massive collateral damages to lung tissues.
After the virus burst replication is controlled and patient condition is stabilized, a wise strategy is getting rid of the virus at moderate speeds. What will help the most is lifestyle and diets which can influence the immune system. In addition, the patients should consider several things. Inflammation of all sources can temporarily reduce usable organ functions. When the usable lung capacity is limited, additional inflammation may be a contributory cause of death. Based on currently known data, the virus is really not very lethal. Whether one can survive depends on how to fight. We would try to take supplemental non-medical measures to reduce inflammation and avoid eating anything that is known to aggregate inflammatory responses and anything can cause allergy-like reactions for the patient. Similarly important is reducing physical activity to the minimum. This is completely different from treating chronic diseases. Assuming that 20% of normal lung function is essential for sustaining life, it the lungs can deliver only about 30% of the capacity, extra demand of 20% may cause death. It is vitally important to avoid extra burden on the lungs (as well as heart/kidneys) that are under distress. Finally, the patient should find what environment factors to which the virus is sensitive. There are a large number of things to be considered: water, salts, types of foods, environment conditions, etc. and use them as weapons against the virus. Under the rate balance theory, each factor used correctly may help a little bit, but tens to hundreds of little bits can make a huge difference. We must reject the binary notion used in medicine. A wise objective is for the body to develop immune responses that are not too fast but sufficiently powerful enough to kill the remaining viruses. We stress healing speed because we observe the general rule that fast healing always come with scar tissues while slow healing results in healthy tissues. Death is often caused by scar-like tissues in the lungs.
Based on facts reported in media, we found several scenarios. In the first scenario, infected persons experience no symptoms and even do not know they have been infected. The immune system is good enough kill entering virus. In a second scenario, the symptoms of infested persons are mild and most of them recover quickly because their immune systems respond quickly and kill or control the viruses BEFORE they are able to cause massive damages to lung cells. In a third scenario, the immune system is too slow in response and the lungs rapidly degrade. The patients either die from temporarily depressed usable lung capacities or permanently lost lung functions. They die several days after the initial onset of symptoms. Deaths caused by temporarily depressed lung capacities may be due to wrong treatments, poor treatment strategies, improper diets, and improper care. This is a quantitative problem but not a binary issue. In the last scenario, patients experience extended symptoms without resolution. The most probable causes are compromised immune systems or excessive immune responses. In some patients, measures fail to control the virus or poor treatments cause excessive inflammation. The excessive inflammation may lead to shut-done of the immune response to avoid massive destruction of lung cells. Thus, the viruses are not killed and the disease condition will last for longer time until death. Those patterns also show that statistic data is meaningless, patients can beat statistical predictions by exercising correct strategies. It is possible that final death rate would be comparable to the rate of hospital accidents.
We also stress the importance of taking preventive measures. As we have implied, the immune system response characteristic is vital to survival. If the body’s immune system is compromised, the immune system fails to act in the early stage of infection, but triggers an excessive immune response that the body could not sustain. Regular exercise and balanced diets can help people to improve immune surveillance. Those who live bad lifestyle and eat unbalanced diets may have much higher inflammation degree. When the virus attacks, the body fails to detect the virus or fails to generate enough antibodies in short times. When a large portion of lung cells are infested, the immune system launches a belayed large-scale war against massive viruses in the lung cells. The attack may destroy severely-damaged host cells, and result in severe systemic inflammation. If the body senses severe inflammation, it may has to shut down the immune system to avoid organ destruction. The body now lacks the ability to control the virus, and will be in continuous infection. This is why building a great immune system is vitally important in the long run. However, a strong immune system cannot be built when an epidermic has already stricken the person. It takes months or even several years to tune up the immune system.
The most important strategy for avoiding death is to stop direct infection on lungs. If lungs are infested first, it is impossible for the immune system to destroy the virus. Several days delays in immune response may give enough time for the virus to destroy the entire lungs. In comparison, the viruses that initially infect other parts such as mouth, eyes, etc. may reach the lungs after a few days of delay. When the virus reaches the lungs, the immune system may have been scaled up to stop virus replication or destroy them. In other words, infections originated from body parts other than the lungs are not lethal except unless the immune systems of the infected persons are compromised (They can infect other people). If avoidance is impossible, one should use a good mask. If no good mast, use any mask and even just a piece of cloth. Masks are used to catch up respiratory droplets (approximately 0.6 to more than 1000 µm) which are much larger than virus molecules. If a mask can reduce respiratory droplets in breathed air to less than 1%, it may reduce millions of infection points in the lungs to fewer than a thousand points on an exposure occasion. The reduced infection points will make differences in this subtle speed race between the virus and the immune system. No protection is perfect and none can be perfect because some respiratory droplets must get into the lungs by passing spaces between the mask and nose/face area. However, a reduction of respiratory droplets in breathed air can alter outcomes of the speed race. For doctors who are constantly exposed to respiratory droplets, better masks should be used because the infection points in the lungs are added up from constant exposures on all days.
The importance of fighting strategy is reflected in the history of SARS in 2003. The death rates of SARS were from 70% to less than 10%. The death rates were more than 50% initially, but quickly declined. It reached 9.6% in China. The most useful measure is herbal formulations as they can address three organs. Based on early reports on coronaviruses outbreak, we estimated that the true death rate is not much larger than 3%. The low death rate implies that the virus is mild. When people are enabled to prevent and fight, both infection incidence and death rate will decrease. From all data, we believe that achieving nearly a unity survival rate is possible. This three percents death rate could be avoided just by manipulating one or more of a large number of lifestyle factors.
It is hard to tell whether the medical treatments are correct. By using the population approach, medicine cannot develop treatment protocols based on personal specific conditions and could not consider critical dynamic data in finding cures. When population trials are used, it is nearly impossible to study all timing effects of disease development, immune responses, usable organ functions, drug effects, treatment effects, and scarring process. The failure to consider multiple dynamic characteristics must be the biggest mistake that prevents medicine from finding best treatments and perfect cures that must exit in nature. We disclose our strategy as soon as possible, and detailed study with references will be published at least half a year later.
C. Challenges to Precision Bio-medicine
Bio-medicine attempts to solve diseases by using synthetic drugs to affect specific mechanisms, this approach has not succeeded for the entire history. We can show there are many fundamental problems that cannot be overcome.
Each human being must live among millions to billions to viruses and other microorganisms. Use of specific molecular mechanisms to contain an infectious disease is feasible only for the disease agent with genetic stability and its appearance frequency is very low. COVID-19 is a RNA virus that can mutate rapidly. Each year, it can generate millions of variants. Any attempt to contain the virus by using genetic specificity is unrealistic and impractical. There is no way that research can beat the virus in the race. Since humans have evoluted? with RNA viruses, humans must have inherent ability to fight against all viruses.
Vaccine benefits are limited due to lung unique vulnerability. A prior infection may not completely protect a host person from getting future infection. We imagine to see a possibility of widespread exposure to viral particles followed by fast cell-to-cell infection which can take place before the immune system is able to produce enough B cells that produce antibodies. The unique vulnerability of lungs is an additional reason for observed poor results of flu vaccination. Viral mutation can easily defeat acquired immunity. Prior infections and vaccinations may shorten the phase lag between the viral reproduction and immune response, and is expected to make differences in infections that are originated from limited infection points or cells in lungs.
The specific mechanism cannot take advantages of multiple factors benefits. Lifestyle and personal health may account 10 to 100 times difference in death rate caused by COVID-19.
We do not focus on antiviral drugs. Drugs are not our focus, but are presumed to be important. We stressed the need to use things that are readily available from nature. Antiviral drugs can make the area A smaller, and thus making B smaller and make D2 disappear.
We believe that diets affect infection, disease progression and self-resolution. We started seeing evidence that India nationals resist this virus better. We still have not seen infection on Indian nationals who once lived in Wuhan at the time of outbreak. We will explore potential causes and figure out what kinds of foods can make really big differences. We noted from our studies that it is extremely important to study the roles of foods because most nutrients can have complex effects spanning negative effects, no effects, and positive effects.
Although age is an important factor, we recently saw several reports, where 91 and 95 years old people had recovered from the disease. Many factors can be used to make real differences. We will pay attention to all hints that may lead to predictable cures.
The hair-splitting arguments, data analysis, disease theories, etc. have no meaning unless they can be used to deliver real benefits to patients. If drugs do not help, whether one can survive the pandemic depends on whether one can do a few right things and avoid doing a few wrong things. We understand the death risk and the equation for determining death and must explore how life factors affect the death equation. Lifestyle’s importance is implied in 10-100 times differences in the death data among different nations. We note this 10-100 times difference in death rate is caused by different lifestyle patterns among people in different cultures. There are no basis to believe that lifestyle in some nations are close to the best point in health optimization. It is possible health optimization would easily reduce death rate to 1%. We believe that health optimization has enough power to contain COVID-19 pandemic.
In our disruptive study, we proved that the risk model is wrong because risk determination for a population is in violation of the forbidden rule: Jack Doe death risk cannot be transferred to John Doe.
In one study, we proved that the Ro model for predicting infection incidences is wrong in every assumption used. We further found that nearly all of the twenty to nearly a hundred of model parameters are created out of imagination with little relevance to personal ability to resist the virus or the ability to survive.
We proved that only infection initiated through the respiratory track is most dangerous while infection by other routes pose far lower danger.
We proved that body temperature management is the most important measure for preventing the diseases and turn the diseases into a mild flu.
We proved that use of multiple factors is the best strategy for surviving the pandemic.
We proposed a two-phrase lung damage model which sheds light on how to treat infections and pointed out some wrong practices used in medicine. This model is important to how to address all respiratory infectious diseases.
We rejected the popular belief that population can contain the pandemic by repeating vaccinating the population. The idea is based on the well known fact that when a person’s immune system is activated, it can quickly contain the virus and other microorganisms. We pointed the flaw is that activated immune system can cause widespread damages to all viral organs and the whole body. This idea may be sound only if it is used only for short duration or an instance when there are no other alternative measures. We proposed that the net impacts of vaccinations must be judged by considering their impacts on (1) vital organ structure integrity, (2) the tissue ecosystem, (3) the immune system, and (4) the CNS function. Based on the pattern of personal injuries caused by other drugs, we found that activated immune system can systematically damage the structures of organs and body parts, alter the tissue ecosystem, alter the CNS function. By impairments to the liver, the vaccine can damage the immune system. Thus, we must warn that keeping the immune system active for more than brief need is the worst mistake that can destroy the health of the population.
We suggested against the world that the best approach to fighting the pandemic must include four components: nutritional condition, organ functional capacities, the CNS system, the immune system, plus several unique issue with lungs: lung micro-circulation condition, thoracic free space, personal activities, environmental conditions, etc. Anyone can find a large number of other factors.
We proved that mRNA vaccines can deliver short-term benefits in less than 1% recipients while the expected harm to recipients is about 100%.
We predicted that mRNA vaccines can cause widespread damages to the CNS, liver, kidneys, the immune system, etc. The biggest damages are caused by massive DNA mutations in human liver cells. While it is known that RNA virus can also alter host DNA cells, we found RNA-induced DNA mutation are limited in both locations and severity, but mRNA induced DNA mutations must be widespread in the liver. Thus, we predicted that DNA mutations in the liver cell will have an effect of damaging the immune system, impairing ability to resisting all diseases, and shortening recipients life spans. When medical political organizations hijack medicine to be used as a revenue-producing instrumentality and leaders cannot see the vaccine endangerment to the population, it is inevitable to bring humanity disaster to more than 200 million people in the U.S. and world.
1. mRAN hurt people rather than help people:
We prove that mRNA vaccines can actually benefit less than 1% people, but can deliver adverse impacts on 100% recipients. One problem is that medicine uses a wrong risk model. The effectiveness like 90% or 90% death rate reduction come from ratio between two extremely small numbers like 0.001/0.005. Such numbers are irrelevant to most people."[view or download the article]
2. Dr. Wu urges FDA to revoke all mRNA user authorizations:
Dr. Wu summarily proved that three leading research articles are flawed. The wrong research model is kept alive by interest groups and promoted by traditional medical journals, and disseminated by popular media. Thus, FDA, CDC, and NIH can only rely on “laundered science” to make decisions that affect the health and lives of hundreds of millions of people. All evils come from the peer review and medical publishers’ stonewalls to select medical science. FDA, CDC, and NIH cannot do their own review by using their own review panels but must rely on peer review run by medical publishers who publish articles for money. Dr. Wu think it is insane that how such vital science information can be controlled by a few persons under influence of money. He has said that “to prevent such a humanity endangerment from repeating, U.S. must reform the foundation of medicine, completely smash the legal framework that allows monopolistic entities to control medical knowledge, and take federal, state and public funds out of the information laundering enterprises”. [View or download article]
3. We proved that risk model used in medicine is wrong:
In epidemiology, the risk model is wrong because early researchers treated risks as extensive properties like weight and volume. Death risks are process attributes that cannot be evaluated outside the person. Death risks cannot be added and divided among different persons. This single flaw makes epidemiological studies meaningless although there might be dozens additional errors. This explains why U.S. death rate from COVID-19 is 10 to 100 times higher than those seen in some nations. We proposed a different framework for fighting the pandemic."[View or download article]
4. We proved that Ro used for predicting incidence is wrong:
In epidemiology, the risk model is wrong because early researchers treated risks as extensive properties like weight and volume. Death risks are process attributes that cannot be added and divided among different persons. In addition, we show that every assumption used in the model does not hold. This may explain medicine does save life but aggravate more deaths and more infection. When the model make no sense because it is remote from the life system, measures and treatments cannot help except by accident. We also show that medical model exaggerate shot terms benefit and hide long term adverse effects. We proposed a different framework for fighting the pandemic."[View or download article]
5. We proved that death is highly related to free space in throcic space:
We explore lung damages mechanisms and prove that the free space in thoracic is vital. If the space is very small, a moderate swelling in the lung tissue can cause blood circulation jam. This mechanism provide useful hints on how to avoid lung damages and death."[View or download article]
We conducted model simulations to understand the causes of the damages of coronavirus to lung tissues and constructed a diagram showing viral development, immune response and damage accumulation curves. We found that main causes are (1) the phase lag between the viral reproduction process and a belayed immune response, (2) the direct viral damages and massive collateral damages which are mainly caused by belated immune responses, and (3) further tissue damages triggered by accumulated wastes in lungs. This diagram show why health optimization is important. click here

We deduced from those causes that the key strategies for preventing lung damages include avoiding direct lung infection, altering host-virus interactions, promoting immune responses, diluting virus concentrations in lung tissues by promoting viral migration to the rest of the body, maintaining waste removal balance, protecting heart function and renal function, avoiding other infections, reducing allergic reactions, other inflammation, etc. We finally discussed how to use dietary, medical, emotional, lifestyle, environmental, mechanical factors, etc. to alter disease outcomes. We show why true benefits of those factors cannot be determined by randomized controlled trials, and why the multiple-factor optimization approach can be highly effective by examining organ usable capacity in the cause of death. This treatment protocol using water, air, salt, sound, temperature, emotion, exercise, etc. can be the most powerful cures for viral and non-viral lung infections because they do not depend on molecular specificity and are freely available to anyone.

Those measures can be used to make two areas A and B (Figure 1) smaller. If those measures are used in time, in good combination, it is possible to prevent or reduce damages to lung tissues substantially or completely.
Per our personal research experience, we found that salt raises ionic strength and reduces the viscosity of biological materials. Protein sols can be dissolved when salt is added. Thus, salt is used to improve waste removal balance (not killing viruses). For patients who are unable to cough and have no lung discharges, waste removal must be regarded as the first priority. Any additional measures such as continuous deep-breathing, uttering sounds, maintaining warn temperature, eating hot foods, generate mechanical vibrations, etc. may be considered. Bringing the body into a relaxing state can improve blood flow significantly through enlarging vessel diameters.
We show why multiple factors can be used jointly to treat the infection. We have proved that randomized controlled trials are not a suitable method for studying week and slow-delivering effect as long as one interfering factor of a similar effect exists in the human body. We found that when N factors can be used, each with the same benefit, the real total benefit of N factors is more than what would be detected for one single factor in a controlled trial (by (1/g)k times); and test statistics for conducting hypothesis is off by more than (1/g)k√k times, making findings from randomized controlled trails meaningless [75]. Many factors are used to slow down viral infection, reproduction and migration, speed up immune responses and promote virus distribution in the body.
Moreover, we further justify the use of multiple factor health optimization by a model for death cause analysis. A person dies when the usable organ function reaches a threshold of death, which is independent of organ functional reserve. Based on the vascular capacity, the usable lung capacity is reduced from the highest value (100%) to about 20% as the death threshold. We found that a large number of factors affect the usable capacity in an additive manner; and that each of the factors can raise usable lung function [76]. Tens to hundreds of things may be used to preserve some of the surplus 80% heart function. This is the first instance that we use multiple factors to address an acute infection. The bottom line is the lung damages are NOT caused by anything in a binary manner.
Emotional health or absence of emotional stress is vitally important in controlling the virus. We note that findings from studies on improving immune responses are weak. However, emotion is a kind of things that can be studied by controlled trails. When many interfering factors exist, the errors used in statistical analysis have been raised by two to several folds, thus, the statistical conclusions are meaningless and should be ignored. The effectiveness of measures entirely depend on individual persons. If a patient uses it correctly, it may make a big difference. If the patient lacks heart in it, it may have little benefits. Moreover, we propose a general model on how the central nervous system keeps the disease state. The mind state is in constant balance with the body state. Health cannot be achieved without achieving mind health [77]. We showed there that even negative findings from a controlled trial does not preclude its benefits on specific patients. A treatment, which gives 50% negative responses, 40% positive responses, and 10% neutral responses, is a good treatment for those 40% patients if the treatment is correctly used only on those matched patients. We hold that health conditions, treatment responses and death risks found from other people have nothing to do with those of a particular person.
Air quality is a vital factor in fighting lung infections. Air in a poorly ventilated room contains 1% to 5% lower oxygen level than fresh air from nature. Air containing less oxygen but more bacteria, viruses and harmful substances must be bad to lung-infected patients because oxygen uptake speed and infections are treatment focuses. Simultaneous viral and non-viral infections burden their immune systems. If a person has five types of viruses to fight, the immune system has to split their “troops” (the immune cells) to fight all five battles against all five viruses. This single factor may be responsible for some deaths in some treatment settings. When fresh air is not available, the health care industry should think how to remote from air viral particles and restore the oxygen level to the natural level.
In the clinical setting, the ultimate strategy is to save lung tissues from direct rival damages and collateral damages. When shortness of breath is noted, a presumption is that blood circulation in the lungs is severely impaired and tissue damages may be in the process. Using corticosteroids and improving oxygen can prevent further damages [78]. One case reveals that severe lung tissue changes took place in a weak after an initial infection and that most severe damages might occur in three to several days after obvious breathing shortness. They found that corticosteroids were associated with considerable improvement in oxygen saturation and pulmonary infiltrates, etc. We attribute its benefits to reducing damages from immune responses because the immune system is in a state of producing massive number of antibodies. Our waste removal model sheds some light on the rapid speed at which the lung tissues are damaged.
Each of the listed measures can make a decisive difference if it is correctly used on a right person. For example, increasing water intake by one time (1X) may bring out wastes by more than a few to tens percents; using salt in reasonable amounts may help remove more viral debris and dead cell wastes in a given time. Emotional factor can make differences in some patients. Vitamins and essential nutrients for the immune system (but not for the virus) may shorten the phase lag by one to two days and thus make a difference; deep breaching can improve energy metabolism by as much as 30% (for experienced, it may improve more); and avoiding exercise may save MET values by up to 70%; relaxation exercise can reduce blood circulation by 10% to 30%; avoiding a secondary infection can reduce burden on the immune system, reduce viral burden on lungs, kidneys and heart, and help maintain the waste balance in the lungs. Warn foods such as ginger, date, citrus, etc are known to improve blood circulation and energy production; anti-inflammatory and antivirus foods such as garlic, onion, shallot, leek, and chive are also good, regardless of conclusions in past studies.
When the lungs lose some functions, the heart and the kidneys reduce their usable capacities due to degraded energy metabolism caused by diminished oxygen supplier. The degraded blood circulation in the lung tissues and increased amounts of wastes will make the lungs worse. Even a small deficiency in the early stage can progressively degrade the performance of the lung. If this problem is not firmly addressed and brought under control, damages to lung tissues and other organs are inevitable. Serious damages are irreversible. However, lungs always suffer the most damages because they are battle fields of the immune system. Oxygen, steroids and certain herbs may effectively mitigate lung damages by improving micro circulation. For localized lung infections, damages may be done to infected localities even before severe shortness of breath is felt; but a severe and degrading breath difficulties should be presumed to be caused by severely impaired micro-circulation. Those measures or other measures must be used to improve lung micro circulation to prevent damages to the lungs.
Keeping the body warn is important because cold may invite different infections. This is not a small factor because temperature affects blood circulation. One most important reason we believe is that people tend to contract the vessels at low temperatures, and this effect is expected to reach all capillaries in all organs. Cold-initiated discomfort is not felt on body surface, but often in the heart, lungs, etc. Voiding additional antigens is important because each B cell can bind to only one type of antigen. If the person suffers multiple infections, the immune system is over burdened and lack biological resources.
When the viral reproduction curve and the immune response curve have a few days of phase lag, it is possible to starve some viruses in the early stage by limiting materials that are essential to viral reproduction and then boost nutrition to promote the immune system after the immune response starts. The old thinking to get better nutrition may be not the best strategy for some patients. In the early stage, resource limitation may be an effective factor for slowing down early viral development. However, one difficulty is to correctly find the infection time. If one knows that he has been exposed to the virus, it may be worthwhile to impose specific nutritional restriction for a few days and then improve nutritional supply for promoting the immune system.
As we noted that many studies failed to find evidence that those things are effective to cold or to this virus. Some studies even reached negative conclusions. The only evidence those studies rely on is data from randomized controlled trials and statistical conclusions. In each of such studies, a treatment or factor is studied without regarding the differences in application timing, patient conditions, and other problems. However, we can find their effects by studying their ingredients and working mechanisms. For example, glucosinolates found in garlic (as well as cruciferous vegetables) have an antibiotic-like effect and help ward off bacterial, viral, and fungal infection in the intestines and other parts of the body. This compound can fight herpes simplex types 1 and 2, human rhinovirus type 2, parainfluenza virus type 3, vaccinia virus, and vesicular stomatitis virus. There is no evidence that garlic can fight coronavirus. However, garlic is known to have numerous indirect effects. It has antioxidant activity, lipid (cholesterol and triglyceride) lowering, platelet aggregation inhibition, enhancement of fibrinolytic activity, prolongation of bleeding and clotting time, and prevention of LDL oxidation. It also possesses anti-inflammatory properties, hypoglycemic actions, digestive effects and cleansing actions. As a whole, garlic can improve micro circulation in the lungs, improve the immune function. or promotes the holistic health.
Although age is a known risk factor in lung infections in virtually all studies. This factor can be overcome. We noted that the total time for recovering from a cold or flu can be reduced to hours or less than a day as compared with several weeks. Similarly, we noted from personal experience that severe seasonal allergic reactions to pollen can be corrected by adjustment to lifestyle. We explain those changes by the waste removal balance. Antigens enter the body in variable speeds. If the body is unable to remove them and their metabolic products through circulation, the body must remove them by discharging fluid from running nose, sneezing, and coughing. Those symptoms are compensatory activities necessary to restore the waste-removal balance. The imbalance can be restored in the alternative by improving micro-circulation efficiency. A large number of isolated stories can be found reflecting the importance of improved micro-circulation. By maintaining the waste removal balance, the body can avoid severe collateral damages to lung tissues.
Most of the listed measures can be used independent of medical treatments. We have made clear that inaction is not an option, and that miracles happen only in a small number of patients. When medical treatments are unavailable, do everything possible to reduce A and B areas and improve the waste removal. Upon a suspected infection or earliest signs, keeping body warn avoiding exposure to low temperature, drinking more water containing moderate amount of salt, doing deep breath continuously with focus on the lungs, uttering sound when doing deep breath (using the Shi sound or all six sounds for the entire exercise), consuming hot foods, inflammation-reducing foods (and herbs if you can find); do not use any drug to stop coughing, do not try to avoid coughing (but avoid coughing that poses risks to others), and avoid other infections in the narrow time window. Depending on how much effort is made, the person may be able to reduce A and B from a few percents to completely. If large scale lung tissue necrosis is avoided, most lung functional reserve may be saved or later recovered.
Preventive behavioral responses can affect outcomes of population. Due to the difference in the risks, if one must be infected by the virus, then infection by a non-lung body parts may change outcomes. This should be studied before it can be used in real persons. When vaccine is unavailable, it can be life-saving measure if it is used correctly together with other protective measures.
The discussed measures are based well known knowledge that might exist long ago. Since this virus is new, a large number of specific properties are not fully understood, and we do not know how to use those newly discovered properties to fight the virus. Any of the properties that have been known [79-89] or discovered in the future may be employed to alter the phase lag and waste removal efficiency in the lungs and thus reduce risks to damage the lungs. Reading from those articles, we found that even physical activities, environment pollutants, body physical condition (such as obesity), emotional state, etc. can alter outcomes because they affect areas A and B, and the waste removal balance.
We believe that the most promising fact-acting cures are herbal formulations. Good herbal formulations must address lung, heart, liver and kidney function at same time. The herbs are used to reduce areas A and B substantially and dramatically improve waste removal capacities shown in the Figure 1. Some formulations have appeared at the time of wring this article, we will include them in an updated version or Supplemental Document when more information is available.
Future measures may be used to disrupt one or more viral activities such as formation of the conformation of the protein envelope, cooperative infection activities, nutritional supply, host-virus interactions, etc. We hope that hundreds to thousands of new factors will be discovered in the future and add them to this treatment framework.

To understand the problem, we provide a comprehensive analysis of a mRNA vaccine under an improved research model, and evaluate short-term benefits, observed side effects, unknown long-term risks, and propose measures for mitigating vaccine injuries and mitigating infection risks for vaccinated persons in various situations.
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The topics of the book include:
- Vaccine benefits and side effects
- Vaccine researches
- Potential risks of vaccines
- Whistle-blowers’ challenges
- Public opinions on vaccines
- Mitigate vaccine injuries
- Situations where vaccines fail
- Vaccine’s burden on heart
- Other pandemic measures
- Vaccine injury compensation
- New evidence on vaccine side effects
To understand the problem, we provide a comprehensive analysis of a mRNA vaccine under an improved research model, and evaluate short-term benefits, observed side effects, unknown long-term risks, and propose measures for mitigating vaccine injuries and mitigating infection risks for vaccinated persons in various situations.
Our points are that you cannot extend benefits and risks manifested on other persons to you and what is good for you is not necessarily good for others. In deciding what is good for a particular person, we should consider an overwhelming number of factors such as age, allergic histories, personal daily activities, the likelihood of avoidance, personal ability to avoid viruses, known risks of vaccines, predicted long-term effects, and vaccines’ potential side effects.
Our latest research shows that the outcome of any disease is also controlled and influenced by a large number of life factors some of which are seemingly irrelevant to personal health. While population data tend to follow a statistical distribution, an indisputable fact is that disease outcomes can swap between different persons. It is possible that 10% reduction in incidence rate by measure X is completely different from 10% reduction caused by measure Y. Measure X may work for you and measure Y may hurt you. The outcome of a disease is NEVER controlled by a statistical distribution, which has been misused for nearly a century.
In dealing with infection, pandemics and influenza, anyone can become an infection statistical number by irresponsible behaviors and can also get out of such statistics by exercising due care. This is true for other diseases such as heart diseases, cancer, etc. After one made a decision for using something, it is possible that a poor outcome may still happen, but that is not a reason for regretting the decision. It is also possible that making an alternative decision, the person could get even a worse outcome. What is important is that one should make best decisions by considering all relevant factors.
We explore deeply into the true science of personal medicine. We are not interested in political debates, but get the full truth that can enable our readers to make the best decisions. Vaccines can save life, but can also ruin long-term health. Then, the bottom line is whether we have alternative options which can be used to fight infection without causing long-term adverse effects. Even if you have full faith in vaccination, this book can still help you to avoid situations that could aggravate vaccine’s side effects or long-term damages. This can be as simple as avoiding doing something or doing things correctly in critical time windows.

This book discloses a new approach to fight COVID-19 disease based on system optimization methodology, Chinese Medicine, ancient medicines, and modern discoveries in medicine. This book was written after Dr. Wu and Dr. Zha made several pioneering discoveries that refute the foundation of medicine and affirmed the vital role of lifestyle factors and made a disruptive theory on lung damages. They have proved rigidly that when N factors are used correctly, they could deliver about 10*N times of health benefits while test statistics would be 10*N*N^(0.5) times of what could be determined by clinical trials (10 is an observed highest empirical response rate in clinical trials). If one uses 10 factors as pandemic measures correctly, the actual benefits of all 10 factors would be 100 times of nominal value of a single factor while the test statics for all combined lifestyle factors would be 316 times of what would be detected in a clinical trial focusing on a single factor. In addition, their lung damages model also cracks the secrets on lung damages. Those discoveries cracks the riddle why diseases can be self contained and why death rates in many nations are about 10 to 100 times of those in other nations. The book is particularly useful to those who are immune compromised, chronically ill or vulnerable to the disease, or worried about the impacts of the disease/cytokine storm on lungs, heart, brain, etc.
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The Unique Features of This Book
- (1) In this book, the authors identify six properties as the working mechanisms for boosting immune, strengthening the vascular system, improving tissue-repairing function, and prove those mechanisms by a scientific approach with improved accuracy;
- (2) They identify 10-plus measures that are capable of improving one to several of the six properties, and propose how to use them to prevent infection, terminate infection, protect lungs, and prevent heart failure and stroke;
- (3) They show how to select and use multiple measures in combination to alter the six health properties to strengthen the immune system, the vascular system, and tissue-repairing function by using additive, cumulative, and synergistic health benefits;
- (4) They present a realistic cytokine storm model as guidance for mitigating and defeating cytokine storm and preventing lung damages, heart failure and stroke;
- (5) They formulate a methodology for identifying risk factors for the disease, enabling the vulnerable persons to eliminate identified risks;
- (6) They explain why the measures can be used before-exposure, post-exposure, during-treatment, and during-recoveries in the fight against the disease;
- (7) They conduct a comprehensive analysis of mRNA vaccines, and evaluate benefits, side effects, unknown risks, and propose measures for mitigating vaccine injuries and mitigating infection risks for vaccinated persons;
- (8) They disclose an infection preventing protocol which has the potential to reduce infection risk and death risk by more than 90%;
- (9) They identify various scenarios in which multiple aggravating factors and personal mistakes jointly cripple the immune system, and thus produce the poor outcome or death;
- (10) They show why optimization is more powerful than a reductionist treatment by one to several orders of magnitude; and
- (11) They discuss how current treatments for the COVID-19 disease could be improved on the basis of their discoveries.
- The subjects of this book is distinctive. They reflect the authors’ lifetime thinking, their five years researches, and their viral redistribution theory, viral shield theory, viral replication-immune response rate balance theory, and a lung damage model. Their optimization model is based on the holistic model which reflects the collective inventive faculty of humans in the long history. The measures are based on tens of thousands of post-1980 studies and overwhelming observed facts. To avoid hit-and-miss