- Dr. Wu holds B.S., M.S. Ph.D., and J.D., and is a scientist, registered patent attorney, and prolific inventor named in 12 U.S. patents and several foreign patents.
- He was born in a medicinal family in China and was exposed to medicine since childhood. He reads medical literature extensively;
- He did postdoctoral research in Medicinal Chemistry at University of Illinois at Chicago and National Institutes of Health;
- He started exploring Qigong in 1980, and since then has used Qigong as the method for curing diseases. He collected Qigong research publications extensively and evaluated many of them;
- He re-discovered super healing power of exericses and developed several theories on their roles;
- He developed a complete body of disease theories on the role of Central Nervous System; and
- His inventive career leads to discovering the flaws of obsolete common law concepts and causes of the failure of medicine.
- Ping Zha was born in a famous Chinese Medicinal family and learned experience-based Chinese Medicine;
- She later received formal training in Chinese Medicine for seven years. She earned M.S. degree in Chinese Medicine;
- She has a deep understanding of Chinese Medical theories including the four Master Pieces;
- She practiced Chinese Medicine as a chief doctor in China for more than 10 years, and has a broad range of knowledge medical practices in modern hospitals;
- She was a student of Professor Yiping Chen, a renowned expert in kidney disease, and copied medical prescriptions and learned from leading Chinese Medical experts including Songnian Xu, Zhongyi Hu, and Letao Wang; and
- She published many articles in various Chinese Medicine Journals and won excellent thesis awards in the second place and third place from Anqing City, Anhui Province, China.
Dr. Wu had a history of using synthetic drugs when he was a child. To avoid adverse drug reactions, he started practicing Qigong in an attempt to avoid dependence on medical drugs. This practice helped him avoid using antibiotics.
In 2001, Dr. Wu attempted to stop chronic pain in a hip joint by using Qigong. This joint pain was caused by an injury which had caused pain for three decades. By a stroke of luck, he experienced heat flow which is normally referred to as Qi. That instance immediately convinced him that the joint could be healed. He wrote a latter to NIH, asking whether it has done any study on the effects of Qigong and received an official reply. By keeping circulating Qi, he slowly reduced the chance for the pain to come back. Two years later, the joint was completely healed so that no pain would return. His experience led him believe that diseases can be healed notwithstanding the incurable notion in medicine. He contacted media, publishers, etc., but did not get any responses. The world was without ears.
He started legal career. One of his interests was to improve productivity of legal processes. One of his main tasks was to find the causes of low productivity. He quickly realized that legal service could not deliver productivity because doctrines, rules, and policies were not rational. The legal process is like playing games. When the rules are wrong, there is no way to produce right results. His research work eventually allowed him to get 12 U.S. patents and many software applications.
When he studied the common influences, he realized that medicine shares the same problems. For example, the legal framework actually defines the medical research and practicing models: the population approach, the reductionist model, dualism (separation of mind and body) and the binary disease classification. He found that those presumptions were established by early political leaders without any proof they are valid. In the legal field, each rule or doctrine may produce a right result by a better than half chance. It the rule is used just one time, it could reach a right result by a fair chance. However, if several such rules or doctrines are used consecutively by N times, the chance of getting a right final result is only p^n (e.g., 0.08 if p=0.6) and a wrong result is almost certain (e.g., 0.92). This model is used everywhere. This is the main reason why litigation consumes massive money with little justice.
Dr. Wu later learned Chinese Medicine from Dr. Ping Zha in an attempt to understand the reason that chronic diseases are incurable. From her, he learned the holistic healing model, the mind-body model, the rate balance theory, dialectic diagnosis and treatment approach, and personalized medicine. He started comparing the holistic model with the reductionist medical model in more than ten years that followed. By considering massive evidence and computation studies, he finally concluded that all those old concepts were correct because they actually represent the reality of the human body. However, he was unable to prove them because there are no suitable method for proving them.
One personal accident brought Dr. Wu to back to practicing healing art. This time, he further found that chronic diseases are much more curable than they were. Thus, he was able to correct most of permanent health issues that were left from his childhood. In this healing process, he observed clear evidence that chronic diseases can progress and reverse, depending on how different treatment factors are used. Even the most tough diseases like expanding moles and pollen allergies can be cured. He concluded that failure of medicine was due to the failure to use the rate balance theory. He extensively read patient bloggers about diseases, healing and deaths. In this long period of time, he has seen many online people suddenly dying from cancer or other incurable diseases.
Many of his family members were stricken by cancer and other chronic diseases, and many of them died. He saw catastrophic health epidemic in this hometown: people are dying from cancer, heart diseases, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer’s diseases, etc. When he clearly knew where problems are, he had to go back to medicine. He decided to systematically study and prove the problems in the foundation of medicine so that the world would be a better place without the infliction of incurable diseases.
Within a few years, Dr. Wu with help of Ping Zha first wrote a series of books on health optimization engineering. Those books embody real science-based health art that has absolute power to cure chronic diseases and cancer and extend lifespans. The knowledge disclosed in those books is contrary to what is taught in medicine and promoted by law. Those books essentially disprove using surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and other synthetic drugs as cures except in emergency. He found that all real cures are within human mind and the body, substances from nature, or inherent physical properties, all of which have been rejected by medicine. Their teachings reflect radical departures from medical teachings and will not be understood and accepted by patients, medical establishment, medical experts, and the legal system for years to come. However, those concepts were well known in ancient times, used in ancient medical systems for thousands of years. They have been rejected in medicine due to its own flaws in foundation of medicine. It may take decades for modern people to rediscover the true cures in a new form of medicine: health optimization engineering.
By taking advantage of his special skills in modeling and computation, he has finally proven that randomized controlled trial was wrong in studying chronic diseases. He further proved that the reductionist model is wrong, the dualism was wrong, and binary disease classification is wrong. Those proof are based on moutains of evidence that can be found in medicine. Any of the four elements can introduce far too much errors relative to the small changes in basic biochemical cellular processes that caused diseases. Based on computation results, he found that deviations in biochemical and cellular processes in a disease person are only a few percents to a few tenths of a percent. He has proven that randomized controlled trials just lack capability to detect the subtle chances in biochemical and cellular processes. Moreover, randomized controlled trials can detect only fractions of treatment benefits that could be delivered by multiple factors health optimization engineering.
He further found that when the binary scale is used to evaluate drug side effects, there is no way to detect or confirm them except those that can kill patients. Yet, the side effects of a single drug or a single treatment factor may be slowly realized; or several to tens of drugs may work together to kill a patient, or several to tens of treatment factors may work together to cure diseases. The binary scale forces a study to take two extreme options: confirming or denying a treatment effect or a side effect, and introduces massive errors that make findings meaningless. It is like a hundred strikes kill a man, but none of the strikes could kill the man, medicine will refuse to recognize any strike as the cause of death; and medicine will not find cause of death for the person. This binary scale exonerates all strikes from being held accountable. The binary disease scale generates meaningless conclusions in medical research. In order to solve chronic diseases, treatment effects and drug side effects must be evaluated quantitatively, and final conclusions cannot be just yes or no.
Ignoring the role of mind is another reason to make a medical treatment meaningless. For a chronic disease, the disease state is remembered in the brain and maintained by neural signals from the brain. Although this is our theory, tens of thousands of studies reader direct or indirect support. Contrary to mountains of evidence and personal experiences, medicine insists that a treatment must be done without mind participation. This is like an attempt to fix a problem for an two-part interlocked system by just focusing on one part but ignoring the other part.
Wu and Zha concluded that chronic diseases cannot be cured because population approach, reductionist study design, dualism and binary disease classification are wrong. There is no chance for medicine to find cures for chronic diseases and cancer because the research model is remotely from the reality of human body. They also found that cures for chronic diseases are within the mind, the body, human genome and natural products, and that exercises with strong mind focus are the most powerful panacea.
To solve cancer and chronic diseases, it is necessary to fix or reject medicine. There is no possibility that chronic diseases and cancer epidemic can be solved if medicine continues influencing the mankind by incorrect, irrelevant, inconsistent, wrong and false knowledge. All chronic diseases are caused by tiny departures (often less than 1%) from health states. When medicine introduces errors in the sizes from more than 50% to several orders of magnitudes (10,000 times), there is no possibility that chronic diseases can be cured while patients are interfered by risky, useless, and unpredictable medical treatments. Also, when medicine keeps telling patients that only FDA-approved methods can cure chronic diseases, it dissuades patients from even trying. Key ingredients for curing chronic diseases are confidence, lifestyle disciplines, hard struggles, and long-time duration. To find real solution to chronic diseases and cancer, it is essential to reject the incurable concept as the first time. The confidence in cure is absolutely essential. The following is a summary of the flaws of medicine.

How can medicine make such a mistake?
The main reason is that medicine uses so-called reductionist model. It lacks incentive, method, and culture to study all medical findings as a whole to make a conclusion.
Medicine did not analyse the following pieces of evidence together because when it uses a binary scale to address every medical question, it would not see how they are connected. If one tries to analyze each of the following evidence by yes-and-no approach, one would find that none of them can be viewed a dispositive due to the flawed the method used in randomized controlled trials.
- The general warning against surgery before 1908 (This remains to be right).
- Lack proof that surgery can actually have real benefits for cancer patients. So-called benefits were presumed with zero proof or just the perceived false impression that patients can survive for one year or so.
- The effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy on cancer growth rate constants were well known even before 1988, but IGNORED and patients are not told about it as a matter of course.
- Randomized Controlled Trials are INVALID for studying chronic diseases (Wu and Zha, 2019) because such a trial involves indiscriminate application of treatments, lacks capability to address interfering factors and enlarges the variances of the error term. This single finding is enough to invalidate all population-based treatment protocols for chronic diseases and cancer.
- NIH seems to lack interest in funding research projects on the roles of inflammation on cancer as reflected in the comment in a 2018 article. Inflammation is a central issue even through it seems to unrelated to cancer.
- Latest findings on surgical roles on cancer metastasis is very strong evidence against use of surgery (Krail et al, 2018).
- The finding that cancer survivors suffer accelerated aging and premature death (Cupit-Link et al, 2017) indicates that the long-term adverse impacts of cancer drugs are serious.
- Inaccuracies in medical treatment data are also caused by the binary disease classification method. Also, great inaccuracies are introduced in analysis of death causes. What controls death is USABLE Organ Capacity but not organ's biological functional reserve. While many drugs can directly cause death, they must be a contributory factor in all deaths even if patients appear to die from cancer (Wu and Zha, 2019). When cancer burden depresses the usable organ capacity, any other factors that further depresses the usable organ capacity must be viewed as a contributory cause of death. It is indisputable that most cancer drugs are very toxic and can ruin health of even healthy people.
- Medicine has consistently ignored the irrefutable fact that cancer can heal, self-resolve or be held in check. There are hundreds of well documented cancer self-resolution cases and millions of undocumented cases. I noted many reported cases where cancer resolved. That is strong evidence that killing cancer cells is not a good strategy in most cases.
- The side effects of cancer drugs as well as other drugs were grossly under reported, not reported, or simply ignored due to the binary classification system and poor reporting system. The binary system only accepts extremely bad drug adverse effects as cause of death. To be qualified as a cause of death, the side effect has to be very strong or like a poison that can cause death. Reporting system problems were discussed in a study (Golder et al, 2007). The study found that reviewers usually had a priori hypothesis when conducting the review and that the detection of new unrecognized adverse effects was not their focus. It found poor assessment instruments, and lack of a defined and empirically tested quality assessment tool.
- The Golder et al study could not consider the problems caused by the binary scale. Based on patient reports and personal observations, I estimated that over 90% of obvious side effects in clinical settings could not be reported. The seriousness of unreported drug side effects are contrasted by increasing prevalence of autoimmune diseases, kidney failure and increased cancer incidences. More studies need to be done by using completely different methods.
- Four lethal factors in causing cancer deaths are systemic inflammation, emotional distress and chronic stress, inactivity and lack of exercise, and excessive calories. Three of them are associated with cancer diagnosis and treatments in medicine.
- Well observed progression times of cancer are shortened from more than 10 years for a primary natural cancer to about 1.5 years on a second eruption, and further to several months on a third eruption. Cancer cells can almost grow freely on additional eruptions. This change is irrefutable: a large number of the patient-reported cases reflect this pattern. Even many cancer patients know this pattern.
- The NOMINAL performance of medical treatments are extremely poor even rated by flawed and biased research methods. IF the performance data is adjusted to correct the three biases caused by randomized controlled trials and serious under reported incidences of drugs side effects, there is no reason to believe that surgery, chemotherapy and radiation can deliver real benefits except by accidents as compared with non-medical methods of fighting cancer correctly. Even 2.1% to 2.3% contribution of chemotherapy to 5-years survivals must be questioned and will be finally rejected.
- Several surveys show that a majority (75%) of doctors would not consider using chemotherapy on themselves if they had cancers, implying that their perceived drug risks-and-benefits are not same as what are disclosed in medical literature. Based on patient self reported data, I have found that those who took medical treatments the most died sooner than those who took less treatments or no treatments as long as they do more in changing lifestyles or fighting cancer. This riddle is finally solved in the study by Wu and Zha.
Findings from Reductionist Medical Model Are Clearly Wrong as They Are Refuted Simulation Study Using the Holistic Model
- Medicine could not find an extremely-obvious conclusion because it uses the reductionist research model with flaws in all four key presumptions. Per medical research culture, researchers look at one factor a time. In doing so, they use the binary scale: if each factor does not pass the binary threshold, it is viewed as having no effect. They could not evaluate all tens to hundreds of factors together. Each study ends with a harmless warning or suggestion, as if the problem would not affect human life.
- When each of the above noted facts are viewed alone, it is hard to say that current medical treatments are bad BECAUSE each factor seems not big enough to pose real danger or kill patients. By imposing yes-or-no scale onto every fact, it could not analyize health issues under the rate balance model. In reality, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery, lost organ capacity, etc all can increase the cancer groth rate constants. After the patient is treated by those deadly methods, the cancer growth time from limited cells to a detectable tumor is shorted by one to several order of magnitudes. When patients are nere death, cancer cells can grow freely without any check. By reafusing to examine the flaws in the foundation of medicine, medicine cannot and forever will not reconize extremely obvious problems like those.
- The cost of the failed medicine is very high. I estimated conservatively that about two third of cancer patients (e.g., 400,000 in U.S., about 2 million in China, and about 6 million in the world) die prematurely each year from over treatments or improper treatments. The last two pieces of evidence are conclusive. I have communicated with the NIH. FDA, HHS, other federal agencies, the U.S. House, Selected senators, the White House, and many media concerning the serious flaws in medicine. Cancer panic is an unintended result of failed and flawed medicine.
The above itemized evidence is critical to cancer outcomes if they are combined. All items support each other under the rate balance theory under the holistic health model. Those treatments can raise apparent cancer growth rate constants by one to several orders of magnitude. That is a game-ending outcome. On the rate balance model, cancer may be controlled much more easily than the unrealistic attempt of killing all cancer cells.
- Tens to tens of thousands times (10-1000 times) differences cased by RCTs. Randomized controlled trials (RCT) introduce three kinds of errors: indiscriminate application of treatments, inability to address interfering factors, and bundling interference factors into the error term to raise its variances. They may not be used to study weak and slowly realized drug side effects. Health Optimization Engineering can beat medicine by tens to thousands times. As long as the reductionist medical model is used, medicine will never find cures.
- Dualism's has a precluding effect. Mind is an absolutely essential component for curing chronic diseases. Whenever the body part changes, the mind changes accordingly. In response to changes in the body, neural signals from the brain for regulating the body are changed. To cure a disease, both parts must be changed at the same time. A treatment model without mind participation must fail. By focusing on only the body part, medicine will not find cure. Tens of thousands of studies concerning mind, emotion, chronic stress is enough to prove that medicine is junk medicine.
- Reductionist model generates meaningless medical treatment protocols. The reductionist model also turns medicine into junk science because it focuses on only one or few strong factors. Reduction is possible for simple physical devices. Even for a moderate complex system, repairing is not possible. For any chronic disease such as heart disease, cancer, and autoimmune diseases, tens to thousands of factors (10s to 1000s) affect or influence disease outcomes. Any attempt to promote health by focusing on one single step, one metabolite, or one biochemical process is like a dream that only an ancient common law judge could make. The failure of medicine in such a long history is the enough reason to abandon this junk-science model.
- The binary diseases model introduces additional errors and inaccuracies. Most chronic diseases are caused by tiny departures from health condition. The normal ranges of health properties can be 50% of the population means while the departures for causing chronic diseases is often less than 1%. Binary classification of any health properties introduce too bigger errors. For example, cancer is a result from adding a few additional cells per a thousand (see our original study). The practice of using a household scale to weigh chemical reagents will NEVER work. The real health condition is defined by a large number of factors, each of which makes only a small amount of contributions to diseases. However, when a disease is defined by the binary scale, the effects of most cause factors except those extremely strong cause factors are below the thresholds of the binary diseases and thus escape from being detected.
- The binary disease model hides more than 90% drug side effects. Most drugs are known to have a large number of drug side effects from small symptoms to severe adverse reactions. Even if a side effect is reflected in skin, it must be viewed a systematic effect even though it does not cause imminent death. However, any small side effects can and must depress the usable organ capacity temporarily. Under the flawed binary scale, reductionist model, and randomized controlled trials, they will not be viewed as causes of death. Each drug is found to have no side effect when it is evaluated by this wrong scale. In reality, each drug can cause progressive damages to the body in long runs or when it works with many other drugs or toxic substances.
- All the four flaws are in the foundation of medicine. They cannot be fixed without disrupting the whole medicine. This is why no body will come to defend those flaws. NIH, FDA, HHS, NAS, the U.S. House, the U.S. Senate, federal agencies, etc. will not take actions. Medical journals will avoid such challenges and do their best to suppress truth. Those flaws plus many other problems uniquely presented in the reductionist science model makes medicine junk science.
- In sum, the RCTs can make research meaningless; treatments based on a dualism model cannot cure diseases except by accidents; treatments developed by the reductionist model cannot cure diseases except they generate massive confusions and controversies; and in developing treatment protocols, the binary disease classification method introduces too bigger and too many errors and inaccuracies into the treatment protocols, with effects of hiding most drug side effects and distorting benefit-risk ratios. They collectively turn medicine into junk medicine that can only control symptoms, stop pains and infections, and treat acute diseases. Such medicine can be easily used by interest groups to get maximum profits and extract maximum suffering from patients. In the past, medicine has consistently used population trial findings as evidence to prove its scientific validity and belittle competing health art. When all four presumptions are proved to be wrong, all arguments on its scientific merit fall with them. Now, performance data in treating chronic diseases, cancer, autoimmune diseases become the most powerful evidence that medicine is in fact a failed medicine.
- Medicine affects everyone's life journeys, lifespans, and deaths. We should not maintain medical status simply because it has influenced the world and appears to work well in treating trauma. Many bad medical practices that controlled the world for thousands of years were eventually replaced by better medical practice. We must view medicine as an incremental science, which must improve itself when flaws and errors are found. Unfortunately and sadly, medicine has be hijacked by interest groups to become a system for promoting commercial interests and lack a self-improving capability. I will tell eventually how Nature, Science, Lancet, government agencies, etc. do what they can to suppress irrefutable findings. When they cannot deal with truth, they told me that they could not do anything, the subject is outside the scope or their mission, or ask me to find a better place. I identified those foundation flaws almost two decades ago.
- The lack of responses from medical establishment is indirectly responsible for estimated half a billion premature deaths. Maintaining such a seriously flawed medical model is like creating, maintaining, promoting, and passing death spells for the mankind and must be viewed as the worst crime against humanity and a crime against cancer patients. If those four presumptions are not corrected, we can only forever make the last wish and die without cures. I beg you to make your voices heard whether you are political leaders, governmental officials, scientists, doctors, lawyers, social workers, employers, retirees, teachers, reporters, etc. Access to cures is a fundamental right of each human being and this right must trump all other interests as a whole.
- The findings in this article is backed by massive references and any other forms of evidence. Each point will be followed by a link for searching a database so that a reader can find all references and evidence. One can search for supporting articles, opinions, reports, etc. right after each point in this article. The number of published medical studies is estimated in the order of more than a million. Opinions, cases reports, observations, etc. will be collected and stored in the same searchable database. Since I have zero fund support, it will need some time to deploy this searchable database and may take years or decades to fill up the database.
To end the era without cure and the panics caused by failed medicine, we have published several books, all being based on health optimization principles in personalized medicine. However, personalized medicine cannot be practiced by following descriptive instructions. Every measure used to correct imbalance must be used in a correct way to change the direction of imbalance.
The treatments for curing chronic diseases are characterized by the features of multiple factors, holistic rate balance, and long-term effects. All treatments are based on ancient healing principles that once were used in all medical systems for thousands of years AND millions of medical discoveries that have been published in the last half a century. It covers massive materials. For example, factors that affect cancer growth speeds are in the order of several hundreds to thousands. Even though personalized medicine has been proposed for decades, no body has been able to implemented a pracdtical way to pratice it. A doctor cannot spend weaks to write a lifestyle prescription. Here the medical facts as well as those experience-based facts from different medical systems are in the order millions. That would require massive database support.
Personalized medicine is very difficult to practice. For each issue to be corrected, one must evalute the overall result for a period of time. If one meausre is restrict calories, one cannot decide if take 400 grams carbohydrades are right. It would depend the everything the person takes with calories in a period of time. To correct the fatty acids ratio, one cannot succeed by trying a few food itemss once a while. One must look at everything one eat for a period of time. This means that a platform must have powerful computation tools taht are designed for such a system.
This model requires support from all people. Our HOE model is contrary to the medical model and is intended to replace medicine in a long run. However, before the laws are changed, our research activities are not eligible for receiving federal, state, and public funds. Strangely, all private organizations volunteer to recognize only medicine built on flawed foundation. Due to influences of U.S. tax laws, the nation recognizes and promotes only this flawed medicine. The great number of invisible legal fibers have the effect of promoting the flawed and harmful reductionist, population-based, disease-based and drug-based medicine which can cure no chronic diseases, but excluding, forbidding, banning, and discrediting real science-based medicine or health art that can cure chronic diseases. Our findings on randomized controlled trials [See article 1 on the left] and the brutal roles of cancer treatments [articles 2, 5 on the left] can never come from the medical model. Unfortunately, what we have disclosed is only a drop of water in a sea. We have massive works to be done for your benefits and the benefits of the mankind. You are kindly asked to think what is wrong, and how to fix the medical system. You can do your part to support our cause to end the incurable era for your future benefits. To see the full page, click here

This book provides knowledge enabling readers to cure vascular diseases and eliminate stroke risks completely by using health optimization engineering. Book teaches patients to use the safest and most effective healing meausures such as lifestyle, exercises, environmental factors, emotional factors to restore lost body balance. The book provides full coverage on (1) avoiding and mitigating risks to the heart, (2) using the mind and the Central Nervous System as a critical element in curing vascular diseases, (3) identifying most probable reasons for failure to cure heart diseases in personalized medicine. It also discusses the main reasons that medicine failes to find cures for heart diseasese.
Buy E-book on Curing Heart Disease, Preventing Stroke, and Eliminating Stroke Risk
Some Unique Features
- Present a true science-based health model that is based on Chinese Medicine, System Optimization, natural laws and good science;
- Use medical discoveries as guidance for finding the treatment factors, but never as a standalone treatment.
- Teaches detailed instructions to practice personalized medicine for individual persons. For example, to restore vascular health, one must use exercises safety. A large number of health, personal and environmental factors affect the peak blood pressure. The book extensively discuss how to identify those factors to achieve largest safety maingins.
- Discuss medical miracles and their potential mechanisms and justify their success on rate balance theory.
- Discuss our disease theories which we believe will be the foundation of a future health art: Health Optimization Engineering (not same as system optimization for healthcare delivery);
- Use the usable organ capacity as a key concept to raise safety. Eventhough, this term is not used expressly, all of the main schemes in controlling blood pressure is actually based on this concept. This approach departs from medicine which always focuss on popultion data and not personalized condition.
- Analyze the mechanisms of ten wonder cures including exercise, Qigong, relaxation, massage, induction, etc. in modern scientific language for the first time.
- Analyze many medical controversies that are relevant to vascular diseases, and
- Discuss why people have failed to cure their vascular diseases.

This book discloses a new true science-based health model that is based on system optimization methology, Chinese Medicine, ancient medicines, and modern discoveies in medicine. Its purposes are teaching personalized healing art for curing chronic diseases, and how to avoid life risks that can cause premature death, enabling people to achieve max lifespans. The book rejects the INCURABLE concept and proves that the flawed foundation of medicine is responsible for its failure to find cures. It extensively discusses reasons for people to fail to cure chronic diseases and cancer.
Buy e-Book on Health Optimization Engineering
Some Unique Features
This book presents a completely different health model that is based on old medical systems, Chinese Medicine, System Optimization, and medical discoveries.
In treating human longevity, the book does not rely on statistical life expectancy nor the one or more drugs. It completely rejects the notion that lifespans can be extended by using a drug or by doing a few things. It is common sense that most people die from temporarily depressed organ capacity and one person’s lifespan or time of death have absolutely nothing to do with statistical data for other people. An irrefutable fact is that most people did not die from truly exhausted organ functions, but from temporarily insufficient organ capacity. Death can happen when a few bad things strike, several mishaps strike while being mildly ill, or if more adverse drug interactions strike. Notwithstanding the population life expectancy, the actual lifespan of a person depends on how the person avoids life risks that commonly cause death rather than whatever medicine promotes. The book teaches how to avoid a large number of risks that are known to cause deaths.
The book teaches why medical research from using the reductionist model is unable to accurately determine chronic diseases, slow treatment effects, and slowly realized toxic effects. By using wrong binary disease classification approach, medical researchers cannot detect each of tens to thousands of weak effects of multiple factors. However, when a large number of such weak factors work together, they can ruin personal health. The flaws in randomized controlled trials and binary disease classifications were proved after the first edition of this book was published. The book is the only source that takes an unequivocal preposition to disfavoring the use of traditional medical treatments such as synthetic drug, surgery, and radiotherapy as cures for chronic diseases unless they are used to address medical emergencies.
After the flaws in randomized controlled trials are found, patients must question the merit of existing medical treatments. The claimed benefits are grossly exaggerated and disclosed risks are grossly underestimated. The finding may reasonably explain that population health condition in the world is degrading against the perceived advances of medicine. Even if all causes were found and all possible affirmative actions are being taken now, there is no guarantee that the trend can be stopped and reversed. Yet, politicians, health organizations, and experts are doing nothing to let people know the obvious flaws in medical research and treatment models. When the establishment continues to poison population’s health wisdom, this book can provide the only protection, which can be exercised by people in making wise health decisions.
The book focuses on how to restore personal health wisdom which has been ruined by medical propagation which was based on flawed conclusions from medical research done under the flawed research model. Unwise health care decisions are mainly responsible for degrading national health condition and worldwide health crisis. In the U.S. alone, chronic diseases are a national epidemic: about 80 million fatty liver diseases, about 103 million hypertension or high blood pressure cases, and about 149 million people who have at least one chronic disease in 2015. Many mental diseases such as dementia, Alzheimer's diseases, Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression, and anxiety, and diminished capacity all arise. Chronic disease has the tendency to swollen a big part or even all economic gain. The worst problem is expected population infertility in North America, Australia and Europe. The male sperm count has decreased by half since 1973 with an unstoppable momentum of decreasing at the rate of 1.5% a year.

This book teaches a noval health art model for fighting cancer. It teaches a comprehenstive true science-based personalized health art for curing cancer. Contrast to medical practice of killing all cancer cells, it teaches cancer patients to fight cancer by controlling cancer cell division speeds rather than kill all cancer cells, discusses reasons for people to fail in fights against cancer, prove true risks of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy, and the reaosn for the failure of medicine to find predictble cures for cancer.
Buy eBook: Novel Approach to Curing Cancer: Proof that Medicine Cannot Cure Cancer
Some Unique Features
Present a completely different medical model that is based on all ancient medical systems, Chinese Medicine, System Optimization, and tens of thousands of medical discoveries.
The book teaches a health art model which is contrary to medicine in both treatment methods and treatment strategy. It rejects population based medicine as junk medicine and shows that the binary disease approach is wrong because it introduces excessive errors and inaccuracies.
The book rejects the notion that cancer is a yes-or-no disease which has been used in every aspects of medicine. By the time of 85, a person may have at least one cancer by certainty and may have several cancer. Thus, the controlling fact is how fast tumors grow. It is also obvious that cancer can grow and shrink in various conditions. Tumor net changing speeds are highly sensive to a large number of factors including environmental factors and tissue mechanical properties. By using binary disease approach and radomized controlled trials to evaluate performance, medical research cannot detect the effect of each of tens to thousands of weak factors and thus have to focus on surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy, each of which can only speed up cancer growth speeds and shorten patient lives. When the binary disease scale and the randomized controlled trials are used simultaneously, medicine completlely exagerates the benefits of those risky and useless treatments. We have proved that when a large number of such weak factors work together, they can easily slow down cancer growth speeds or make cancer managable. We have proved that randomized controlled trials, reduction model, and binary disease appraoach are wrong (articles are available for downloaded).
The book discusses four lethal factors that are mainly responsible for cancer deaths and extensively discusses most common mistakes that are can negatively affect fights against cancer. The book rejects cancer overtreatments because those methods are more harmful than good. It also discusses problems in cancer early diagnosis.
After Wu and Zha have proved that randomized controlled trials produce false and wrong results, the medical establishment must systematically question the merit of existing medical treatments for cancer. Claimed benefits of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy are not real. Even the little perceived merits are actually caused by inherent biases of the randomized controlled trials and the binary disease scale.
Medicine has ignored a long list of vitally important facts that can conclusively establish that cancer treatments promote cancer growth speeds and shorten patient lives. Those large number of factors cannot be combined if every medical issue must be decided under the binary scale. However, all of them are relatent to cancer growth speeds or net changing speeds under the rate balance model. WHEN HUNDREDS OF FACTORS ARE USED IN COMBINATION, THEY CAN DRAMATICALLY REDUCE CANCER GROWTH RATE CONSTANTS. UNDER THE RATE BALANCE THEORY, MEDICAL TREATMENTS DRAMATICALLY INCEASE CANCER GROWTH RATE. The corrections of two methods can completely change the relative merits of medicine and HOE. We found that health optimization engineering is much more powerful in curing cancer. Dr. Wu has raised those issues with NIH, FDA, NAM (NAS), the U.S. House, federal agencies, etc. None of them come out to defend those flaws. Medicine lacks any channel to improve and reform itself. When all four key presumptions are wrong, nothing for them to fix. It is poor judgment to try to kill all cancer cells in the human body, medicine has to continue using the same strategy simply because it has been used in treating cancer for many centuries.

This book discusses the practical methods for curing heart diseases without discussing probelms in modern medicine. It (1) teach the methodology for developing optimal healing program for curing heart diseases and brain problems, (2) enable readers to cure vascular diseases and eliminate stroke risk completely, (3)enable readers to strengthen mental health and cognitive capacity, (4) teach readers to prevent future vascular diseases, and (5) discuss why people fail to cure vascular diseases.
Some Unique Features
The book teaches easy-to-follow health optimization method for curing heart diseases, eliminating stroke risk, and strengthening brain functions. It stresses the roles of all relevant factors such as diet, nutrition, activities, environment, exercise, etc. One main focus is use of exercises to optimize peronal health by using seven elements: deep breath, relaxation, focus, mind regulation, induction, sound induction, the number of action modes, plus overall calories burning capacity.
The book present a neval health art in a completely different medical model that comprises Chinese Medicine, System Optimization Methodology and modern medical discoveries, all of which are combined to form the most powerful health art in the world. Under the current medical model, researchers can study one or limited factors a time. In doing so, the researchers apply the same factor to all patients in the treatment group indiscriminately. Due to the averaging or canceling effects, a study done in medical model can detect only a fraction of true benefits of a single factor while the health optimization engineering can simultaneously detect the total effect of a large number of factors. As a result, HOE can be more powerful than medicine by one to four orders of magnitude. If we further consider the effects of using mind as a treatment, and using the full scale to measure disease properties, HOE is potentially millions times more powerful than medical treatments developed under the medical model which is clearly wrong in all four core presumptions: population approach, reductionism, dualism, and binary definition. Our findings explain why medicine fails to find cures in centuries.
It explains why many tragedies and medical miracles happened. Due to misuse of population approach which cannot study detailed causes of death, medicine fails to see that each person actually dies from several life mistakes, one undetected adverse drug interaction, or several mishaps. If a person do not know how to avoid causes of death, lifespans cannot be extended meaningfully by mere taking super drugs. One important subject to teach how to defeat the risks of death, which is always caused by temporarily unavailable organ functions. This fact refutes the hypothesis that lifespans can be extended by drugs or by using a few things. The book teaches patients to use multiple factors to reduce the temporary depression of usable organ capacity. This is particularly important to patients who are at risk of heart attack and stroke.
The book reveals one author's decades experience in using wonder healing art. This is important in light of many documented successful miracle cases and a large number of undocumented healing miracles.
The book analyzes the mechanisms of ten wonder cures such as Exercise, Qigong, relaxation, massage, induction, etc. in scientific language for the first time. Even based on the tens of thousands of published studies in medical research, exercise is legally a perfect panacea. Exercise can be cures for all kinds of cancer, all chronic diseases in virtually all patients, and can extend lifespans provided they are used correctly and wisely. We found that a real panaceas can be found only in human mind, human body, and human genome, or from nature.
The book discuss why most people have failed to cure their vascular diseases. The issues the book explore include that modern people have gotten used to fast-acting drugs under the binary scale and how they quickly give up real cures before they have a chance to work.

To use health optimization engineering, a flexable database is provided to store medial facts. Since the potential elements used include everything under the Sun, it must cover the biggest database. It must host useful information about foods, natural products, pollutants, toxins, etc. The data must be coded in a usable way. That is why we used our patented web database for storing all kinds of informaation.
Articles and Analysis for for Ending the Incurable Era. Incurable diseases cannot be solved unless tthe foundation of medicine is fixed.
This datase will store artilces on cancer
Explore Healing Wonders that were used from ancient times and explore their mechansims in real-science framework. There are millions of articles, illustrated texts from multiple medical systems.
Research articles, opinions, observations, health quote, etc. to show why reductionish medical science fails and will forever fail.
Research articles, opinions, observations, etc. to sbow why HOE is true-science based future medicine. Chronic diseases are caused by depatures from balance on one less percent. The reductionist model is unable to deliver reaquired accuracy.
Colecting symptoms for various chronic diseases so that the information can enable people to estimate risks of various imbalances or chronic diseases. None of the mordern diagnaosis can detect probems that before it is hart to reverse chronic diseases. In contrast the symptom used in medicine, symptoms are provided in great details such as location, changing pattern, correlation with other signs, interaction with any of other factors such as diet, sleep, motions, physical activities, emotional web being etc so that such information can be used to predict health conditions in much earlier stages.
In every ancient medical systems, chronic diseases are considered curable (except in very later stage). After the four presumptions are rejected, we must systematically redicover the ancient medicines.
Collection of all studies on the influences of common law on the foundation of science. It is clearly the foundation of science has been severely limited by common law influences. The early version of science can solve many probelms, it has clearly limitations. Further advances depend on improvement to the foundation of scinces and much higher accuracies and precisions.
This website embodies a new research paradigm: collecting information only once and developing any solution once, but making them available for use forever. It thus eliminates endless reinventing the wheel (e. g., searching information, reinventing solutions and tools, rediscovering things, relearning concepts, etc.). This website embodies two-lines of smart technologies: a versatile web-based database management system and a searchable and expandable computing system which is capable of solving everything that could be solved. Those technologies can dramatically raise overall productivity in research, product designs, production optimization, system optimization, and education. The first line of technology changes traditional model that information is collected, stored, processed, and shared managed through online access. The second line of technology changes how problems are solved. It allows anyone to create solutions on a server-based computing system that hosts millions to billion of application problems so that any authorized users can use them to solve any mathematical, numerical/ empirical, theoretical, modeling, statistical, designing problems in the shortest time possible. With this system being deployed, researchers can spare 90% time that would be used to repeat same tasks that have been done thousands to millions of times. The technologies are reflected in the following U.S. patent numbers: US9105005; US9977669; US10069892 B2, a newly allowed U.S. patent and several issued foreign patents. Both technologies are available for licensing with all start-up programs being free.
The technologies implemented in this website (but not the content) is available for licensing with all original programs. In addition, we have other patents: US9361464: A Versatile Log System US9342505: A Translation Protocol US8972845B2: Document Review System US10,430,903 B2: Document Review System US8935266B2: Name Search AlgorithmSearchable Computing System
1. Compute calorie for carbohrates
2. Compute calorie for a list of food items knowing the carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
3. Compute total calories for a food item (under development)
4. Convert any unit to other units
This is a searchable tool.
5. Powerful calcultor (you can use any mathematic expressions.
6. Compute the sum of N numbers
7. Compute for the sum of 8 mathematical expressions (fill zero for variables you do not use.).
8. Tabulate data in 6 columns and compute the sum for each column (a 6x10 form).
9. Some statistical tools
10. Any tools can be added.
Determine total calories for several food items.
Determine calories for a single food item.
Determine calories for three food items.
Determine calories for for a week (4, 9 and 9 are used for carbo, fats and proteins).
Determine difference in calories between two food options (note 4, 9 and 9 are used for carbo, fats and proteins).
Determine the number of cancer cells gain per day for 100 cancer cells reach 1 billion cells in 10 years (3650 cycle).